Thursday, July 28, 2011

Aikawa Nanase starts “Rockstar Steady” project

It’s been 15 years since her debut, but rock/pop singer Aikawa Nanase is ready to take a different persona. She will be “Rockstar Steady” (‘steady’ as in ‘a steady girlfriend’), which is a new band aimed towards women, and she has already garnished attention from the lesbian community.

Last September, she performed at the lesbian event, “GOLD FINGER”, at Shinjuku’s 2-chome district. The venue holds 300 people, but because of her popularity in the lesbian community, 700 people turned up for the event. As it turns out, Aikawa is the female artist that most lesbians want to sleep with.

Rockstar Steady will release their first single, “Fine Fine Day”, on December 8th. The song is written entirely in English, and talks about how guys are unreliable. The music video includes Aikawa sporting leather clothes and her kissing another woman.

The idea for the band came from Aikawa’s love for the American show, “The L Word”. She says that most girls have probably had the feeling of potentially loving other girls, and she wants to express that in this solo project.

source: tokyohive

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