Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Government ministries come together to protect underage celebrities

The Korean government has put out a few standards regarding the excessive exposure that underage celebrities are put through.

The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family presented a security measure for protecting underage celebrities against sexual pressure, as well as promoting education rights and fair career opportunities. It was a collaborative effort with the Ministry of Culture, Sports, & Tourism, the Korea Communications Commission, and the Fair Trade Commission.

According to these joint measures, support will be given to each broadcast company to establish their own guidelines on what would be deemed ‘excessive exposure’ and ’sexually suggestive content’. These various ministries are looking for amplified standards that will protecting children and teens from sexual violation and entrenching their rights to be educated.

In addition to the broadcasting regulations, the ministries are seeking to entrench these protective measures in regular contracts as well. They hope that once the conditions become codified into laws, businesses will have no choice but to accept and sign the remedied contracts before hiring a minor.

While these are positive and progressive measures, they remain conditions and not laws. The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family is seeking to change this with the help of various entertainment agencies and broadcasting companies.

Additionally, a ‘teenage celebrity broadcast career guideline’ is also undergoing discussions.

A representative from the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family revealed, “In the near future, we will also be running campaigns and nation-wide advertisements.”

source: allkpop

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