Monday, August 22, 2011

Celebrities debate over publicly revealing relationships

Rainbow’s Kim Jaekyung shared her opinion on why she opposes celebrities coming out with their relationships on the November 27th episode of KBS 2TV’s new variety show, “100 Points out of 100.”

On the show, she stated, “Hyun Young senior once told me that a female celebrity coming out with a public relationship is basically the same as getting married. The tag stays with you for a long time, and it’s the girl’s side that takes the hit.”

She continued, “Love is a lot like war so it’s easy to start, but hard to end. The problems between the two are big enough, but going public with the relationship makes the problem everyone’s problem.”

Others who agreed with her opinion included Eun Hyuk, Song Joong Ki, and Son Eun Seo, who added on, “Celebrities live off of the love of the public. They have an obligation to become the lover of everyone. Once your private life is revealed, there are restrictions in reality that make it difficult to love passionately. Speculations run rampant.”

However, Simon D, Lee Hong Ki, NS Yoonji and others disagreed, stating, “It can be a positive addition to your image. You can’t give up your life for your fans. Rumors and speculations were something you agreed to deal with when you decided to become a celebrity.”

Simon D also revealed a personal story, stating that although his girlfriend, Lady Jane, and he agreed to making their relationship public, Simon D’s manager revealed, “Bringing their relationship to the public caused a $50,000 USD loss in album sales.”

source: allkpop

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